Brothers Grimm Seeds Seed Bank FAQs

Find common seed bank questions below. Our customer service is dedicated to helping you get the information you need to make your seed order as enjoyable as possible.  Please contact us if you have a question that you can’t find an answer to.


Q: What countries does the Brothers Grimm Seeds seed bank ship to?

A: Brothers Grimm Seeds ships to all 50 states in the USA. Currently, we only ship seeds in the USA.


Q: What payment options does the Brothers Grimm Seeds seed bank offer?

A: Brothers Grimm Seeds accepts Zelle, check payments, as well as credit card or debit card payments.


Q: Does the Brothers Grimm Seeds seed bank accept credit cards?

A: Yes, you can use a credit card to purchase seeds.


Q: Does Brothers Grimm Seeds ship seeds fast?

A: Yes, Brothers Grimm Seeds online seed bank in the USA fulfills seed orders quickly. Most orders are shipped within 24-48 business hours.


Q: How does Brothers Grimm Seeds online seed bank fulfil orders?

A: All customers will receive email confirmations with their order, as well as shipping tracking numbers. You will receive your shipping tracking confirmation number after you have paid. If you are using, then you will need to submit your payment after check-out using Zelle, or if you prefer, by sending a check. If you have ordered seeds from using a credit card or debit card, then you will automatically receive your shipping tracking information via email as soon as the shipping tracking label is created.


Q: Do you guarantee delivery?

A: We ship with USPS tracking numbers and guarantee delivery via USPS tracking numbers as the only proof of delivery. We take the USPS tracking verification as the only confirmation of your delivery. If you claim you did not receive your package, and yet the USPS tracking states your package was delivered, we will not offer any refund or replacement seeds. If you would like to pay an extra cost for signature upon delivery, email


Q: Does Brothers Grimm Seeds seed bank ship seeds discreetly?

A: Yes, your order is shipped discreetly via USPS mail. There are no indications on packages that indicate the contents of it. The words “Brothers Grimm Seeds” and “seed bank” are not on your USPS-shipped package. On the inside of your package will be a hemp seed COA (certificate of analysis) which is required by the USPS.


Q: What types of seeds does the Brothers Grimm Seeds seed bank sell?

A: Brothers Grimm Seeds seed banks sells photoperiod feminized seeds, photoperiod regular seeds, and autoflower seeds made by respected craft breeders.